
06 December 2012

I Feel Good (Da na na na na na na)

Today is that last day to enter my giveaway! only 9 or so hours left until I choose a winner!
Enter the giveaway for a discount to Nay's Custom Leather and a free custom leather bracelet!

Lately, I've been a little bit down. I've my most on Tuesday is the case and point.  I have been letting so many things take hold of my mood and drag it down. But that stopped yesterday. How did it stop? I'll tell ya.

First of all, I took a step back from the situation and I thought about what was making me hurt and upset.  Of course, it wasn't anything new. It was all the same things that always bring me down.  And seems how I know that all of those things are not going anywhere anytime soon. So I concluded something...revolutionary. At least for me it was. 

I have a choice. I can allow all of this crap inside my head and in my heart to keep hurting me, or I can not. I decided yesterday that I wouldn't let it do that to me anymore. 

So yesterday, I did some serious...soul searching in a laundry basket. I power cleaned a bunch of stuff. I matched about 50 pairs of socks, I ran the dishwasher, took out the trash, started more laundry...and I looked at myself in the mirror and I thought, You know what, I have the chance to make myself happy. And I'm going to. 

 I went to the gym. My happy place. I ripped myself apart. I lifted heavy, did too many crunches, did too much everything...But I left the gym with this rush of endorphin that made me feel so happy. Then I went to the grocery store, and instead of buying crap that is bad for me, I bought yogurt, and fruit, and cucumbers...I just pleased myself with how healthy I was being. 

I think that happy starts with healthy. If you feel good physically, it's easier to feel good emotionally. I've been working on my goals from Monday and drinking tons of water, doing yoga in the evenings, and constantly filling my stomach with delicious food that are good for me. 

It's...awesome. I already feel a million times better. It's making me want to start a fitness blog. But I'm leaving in January...sooo...I won't be doing that, but the point is, I'm suddenly motivated to do things again. And it feels so good. :)


I looove getting all of your comments and building relationships with other bloggers and all you wonderful people in the world that have something to say about the things that I write. Please, drop me a line and let me know what you think! Your comments make my day!