
20 December 2012

It Is So Ok

Hey there and happy Thursday! I love Thursdays because it means that tomorrow is Friday! Plus, I have the day off which is always very nice. 

Because I have the day off, I have lots of time to get down to bloggy business. Please check out my sponsor page to learn more about my FREE sponsor opportunity! I need some help keeping my blog alive while I'm in basic training and your sponsorships would be much appreciated!

Also, check out this awesome Giveaway going on at Shades of Gray and a Pinch of Pink
Its Ok Thursdays

It has been a while since I have linked up with Amber and Neely for "It's Ok" Thursday, so even though I already posted for the Christmas swap today, I decided to throw down all the stuff that's going on that is simply...Okay :)

It's Ok...(I never spell okay just Ok...I think it's weird, but for now, I will.)

...that I bought Pitch Perfect on Tuesday and I've already watched it upwards of 5 times and I may or may not be watching it as I blog this...right now.

...that I'm dying to chop of all my hair, but I'm not doing it. This is all I could get myself to cut.

...that I woke up at 0530 on my day off for no apparent reason. 

...that I am a giving person who gives gifts to people who aren't really part of my life anymore.

...that I am so dang broke for Christmas, I can barely pay my bills.
And that I have been taking "early outs" at work  even though I can't afford it.

...that I have gone over 2 weeks without a soda and I'm loving it! 

And it's totally okay that I miss it like crazy.

...That I went I from a blog slacker to an over achiever in a day. 

...That I'm happy, free, confused, and lonely at the same time.

...that I just quoted a Taylor Swift song. And that it epitomizes the way I feel these days. 

...that I'm going to party like a rock star this whole next week.

...that I put a picture of my toes on Instagram.

and now on my blog too.

...that it's 07 and it's still dark outside.

...that the Army seems to think we're stupid. My book is covered with pages like this:

And it's okay that there are 40 days until I leave for basic! 

Yep. All those things are most definitely okay. 

Now Go link up with Brunch With Amber or A Complete Waste Of Make Up to share with everyone what is Ok.


  1. My hubs is in the Army Reserves! Not too long before you go to basic!

  2. you and me both on this hair thing! ughhh, but I'm not chopping it all off because the hubs likes it and I'm at least keeping it until next summer! haha. found ya from the link up! Excited to be following along now :)

  3. How did you do the design on your toe? I love it! I'm a total polish addict, too.

  4. CUTE toenails! Proud of you going two weeks without soda! I was going to try that this week, but I broke that rule before I even left the house Monday morning...

  5. Great job on the two weeks without soda! :) You are doing awesome. Love that design on your toenails...I wish I could do stuff like that.

  6. Your toes look fantastic! Merry Christmas!


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