
20 December 2012

Secret Santa Swap

Gift Swap
First of all, I sent a gift to Stephanie from Girl Meets Trail
I gave her a cute little nail kit that I made. I sent it in a plastic container, but it was supposed to be like this:

I was just terrified of it it didn't end up as cute as I wanted, but apparently she loved it!
I also gave her a Christmas tumbler and a 550 cord bracelet I made. 

I am so excited that this day has finally come! I love that I get to share with you what I got from my Secret Santa!  I am so in love with everything that she gave me. I don't know who it is yet, but the hand writing is definitely female. So I say "she" with confidence.

When I got my present, I felt like the one I gave was kind of lame! I was, I could have done better, but now I know for next time I do something like this!

My partner sent me a bunch of great stuff all the way from Alabama!

I got a candle, nail polish (I'm obsessed with painting my it was perfect) That adorable nutcracker, chocolate, chapstick, a necklace, an ornament and a lovely card.

My favorite of these gifts was probably the Nutcracker. It got a lovely spot up on my shelf the second that I opened it! It's awesome and it was just the perfect gift! I was so excited to put it up. It makes me feel very motivated and I definitely love everything that I got from my Secret Santa.

I am so glad that I linked up for this awesome swap!

Merry Christmas everyone!


  1. Ooh that nutcracker is super cute, and so festive! :)

  2. Hey Girl! I absolutely loved all of my gifts! Thank you SO much!!

  3. that nutcracker is the best!! so fun, love ehat you got!

  4. The Nutcracker is soo cute. What a great Santa you had. I'm sure your gift was just as lovely!! Nail stuff is always fab. :)

    Thanks for linking up.


  5. Haha I know 550 cord. You definitely got some cute stuff... Thanks for participating and Happy Holidays! xoxo

  6. Hey girl! I was youe Secret Santa :) I'm sorry it took me so long to tell you! We're out of town for the holiday, and this is the first time I've had access to a computer! I'm so glad you like everything!! I was especially excited about the nutcracker, so I'm thrilled you like her! I hope you had a very merry Christmas!!


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