
16 December 2012

This Day Is Werid...

Today is weird...

I order breakfast at a place where I always order spaghetti (yes, I eat spaghetti for breakfast. Go ahead and judge me)

Everyone on the freeway was being sooo stupid on the way to work...Okay, that's not weird. That's sort of an every day thing.

I wore sweats to work. That is unheard of for me...I'm totally not supposed to be wearing sweats.

I also didn't put on a shirt...I but on a sports bra and a jacket. In what universe is this okay attire for work?! Not this one...that is for sure.

My friend called me "cutie pi" his spelling too. Why the hell would that happen?

I am getting off work at 3:00 on a Sunday. That doesn't ever happen either.

I'm not doing the Sunday Social :( My photo bucket account is being weird and it's makeing me I just giot discouraged. Ugh...

This is a weird day.

So. have this video to enjoy.


  1. Great job!!!!!!! Awesome!

  2. Cutie pi - is that because of your cute radius?

    Sorry, I seriously couldn't help myself. Lame jokes are my thing.

  3. Great video! I hate days like that! tomorrow will be better!!

  4. Awesome video! Hope you are having a better week. :)


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