
19 December 2012

Mystery Host!

I am so dang excited to be the Mystery Host for the Wednesday Walkabout! I love this link up because you don't have to post anything specific. You just write whatever you feel like and you get to meet new bloggers in the process! I love it and I am too excited to be a part of it this week.

I have not been blogger of the year these past few days...I haven't been busy exactly, but for some reason, getting my blog stuff done has been really difficult.  But don't worry! I'm getting to it now :)

I have been up to so much though! I have been making Christmas gifts.
I got the cutest pedicure ever.
I bought Pitch Perfect...And watched it twice already.
Searched for Magic Mike on DVD...Still can't find it.
Learned a new song (The Cave)

I had a crazy Saturday where I hung out with 4 different people and drank yet another hot drink! I'm doing so well with this "embracing the suck" thing.
I discovered a song that is helping me keep my head up.
I ate at my favorite lunch place...That pulled pork is the best I've ever had...
And, best of all, I got to see one of my best friends! She's a Marine and lives in NC so getting to see her every once in a while is always awesome.

You see why it has been so hard to sit down and blog? So much has been going on. It's hard to be 19, but it also rocks...There is so much out there to be experienced and I am lucky that I get to.  I' say quite often that I don't have friends, that I never had anything to do, that I am a loner...In some ways, I am just that. But I can't say that I'm not blessed and I don't have some wonderful people and things in my life. 

I have a lot to learn about life and what it means to me. I have even more to learn about in general. I don't know exactly who I want to be or what I want to do, but I'm doing my very best to figure it out, and that has to be enough for now, whether I like it or not... That was sort of a random lil' tangent there, but...oh well!

Oh and check out my buddy's blog! He's new to blogging, but I find myself extremely entertained with what he write and the way he writes it. Maybe you will be too!

New here? Please introduce yourself! Looking for a neat sponsoring opportunity? Check out this page.


What is a Walkabout? It's a blog link-up party, every week here and with our co-hosts! Simply put your blog address or a specific post in the linky, visit some other people, and make some friends. Easy at that! I can't wait to talk to everyone!

PS: You only have to link up with ONE of the co-hosts!

The Rules:

1. Please follow at least ONE hostess, and let us know you're a new follower and how to follow you! To be entered as next week's Mystery Host, follow all hosts from this week.

Mystery Host Katie- Camo Colored Chaos
Chantal- Scattered Shells
Jane- Taingamala

2. Try to visit 3-4 blogs that interest you. Take some time and let them know where you came from.

3. Grab the button and spread the word! (Not required, but just cool if you do). The more, the merrier.


  1. Congrats on being the mystery host! I am now following you via GFC. Would l love it if you could visit and follow back. Thanks !!

  2. Yay for being the mystery host! :)

  3. I am in the same blog funk. All I have been doing is working...stinks! haha!

  4. Thanks for being our mystery host this Eeek! So happy to have you!

  5. Well hello, so cool to come check you out, I'll have to pop by more :)

  6. Visiting from Wednesday Walkabout. I know how it is to be busy and not be able to blog as often as you would like...I always have that trouble! Look forward to reading more of you blog and getting to know you.


I looove getting all of your comments and building relationships with other bloggers and all you wonderful people in the world that have something to say about the things that I write. Please, drop me a line and let me know what you think! Your comments make my day!