
16 January 2013

Don't Forget To Turn The Light On

Today's post was inspired by something that I posted on my personal Facebook page (Please, feel free to send me a friend request) last night. 

It might sound kind of silly to say that something you said about yourself inspired you, but honestly, it happens to me all the time. I am a thinker. I think everything to death. So after I put something on the internet, I read it a lot. I think about what I said, why I said it, and what it means to me. I won't lie though, sometimes I also giggle a little bit over what I say. I think I'm hilarious. 

But anyway, I'll try no to climb the whole mountain before I get to the point of the this post.

This particular post earned 29 likes (come on people! You couldn't give me 30?!) and a couple of comments. Lately, my facebook has been pretty active. Ever since I discovered twitter, I've sort of been neglecting Facebook, but I decided to split my attention a little bit. Ugh, I'm sorry, I'm hiking up the mountain again. 

My post said the following:
"Last winter, I was recovering from a surgery, tired of it being dark and cold, depressed that the person I loved was far away, and felt completely hopeless. Today, I have embraced this cold weather, I even sat in my car in which the heat does not work in 12 degree weather to finish listening to a song and I wasn't bothered. I am beyond recovered from my injury. I'm not terrified that a relationship is going to fall apart and I'm two weeks from fulfilling a major dream. Things seem pretty dark at times, but I think that I probably just forgot to turn the light on.."

I'm not sure what spurred the thought, I suppose I was simply reflecting, like I often do, on my situation and thinking about if I was happy or not with the way that things were going.

This is what I came up with:

Yesterday, I went out to lunch alone. I don't work on Tuesdays, but everyone else does...

But instead of being all depressed about it, I gathered together my multiple Cafe Rio card and ended up with a free meal! 

When I came out of Cafe Rio, I jumped in my car and drove away. Well, I didn't get very far because I had a flat tire. Of course, I was wearing dress so even if I did have a tire iron in the car, I couldn't change it myself. I had to call my daddy to come and rescue me.

Instead of letting that ruin my day, I took note that my daddy was wearing the hat I got him for Christmas, and he has been ever since.

I spent the day hanging out with my dad by accident. I guess that's pretty okay with me.

Then later, we went over to my sister's new place. As I've mentioned before, my big sister is pregnant. I'm going to be gone when she has the baby, so I'm putting together her baby shower for this weekend. Well, she just barely moved into this house and we've got to get it ready for a whole bunch of guest by Saturday. The first thing that we had to do, was get her new (well new to her) sectional down the stairs and into her family room...Well it was too big to fit, so my dad busted it up into pieces and he's working on putting it back together by Saturday...

It's sort of stressing me out. But we got to go over to her new place and have dinner.

Ever wonder how you check to see if the spaghetti noodles are done yet? You throw one at the fridge. Totally works, I swear. 

Then, my sisters and I watched one of our all time favorites, The Master of Disguise. Well, we made it through most of it before we fell asleep.  I guess in our old age we can't stay up late anymore...

My mom snapped this picture of us before she woke us up to brave the tundra outside to go home.  I'm really going to miss my sissies when I go...

So...Now you're like. Hmm...what the heck does this have to do with turning on the light. Well, today was not the best day ever. It was inconvenient to get a flat, but let's face it, flat tires are never convenient.  I had to eat lunch alone, but it was free!  And because I can't drive my car, I get to carpool with my dad. My van has heat! 

Basically, what I'm getting at, is that although there are something that happen throughout your day and throughout your life that don't seem to go as planned, things that simply just don't work out, sometimes, you just have to turn the light on. Watch the Master of Disguise and forget about the darkness. 

And while you're at it, enter this great giveaway I'm running until the first week in February! Win a free medium silver locket from Origami Owl.  Check out Tina's design Facebook page. Like it for your first entry and head over here to enter!



  1. Absolutely wonderful post, Katie! Yes, Master of Disguise is awesome! :)

  2. Hi I chose you for the Liebster award. Hope you have a great day!

  3. I LOVE how positive you were about that flat tire! Looks like you had a great day after all. Such a great post!

  4. That really is a great thought! Awesome post!!

  5. So great that you were able to look on the bright side of everything! :)

  6. Love this. Life is good. Hard sometimes, but good.


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