
14 January 2013

How Do You Explain BFE To Your Co-Workers?

Today...What do I say about today? 

Well, have you ever heard that Shania Twain song "Honey, I'm Home"?

Now you have.  Holy crap. That dancing and those outfits...too good. If the video doesn't work, go watch it. It's great.

But anyway, that pretty much explains how my day went. I woke up extremely late. Holy crap, the speed and intensity with which you get dressed when you are late could rival that of a Marine Corps Recruit...I would have made it on time to work, but I drove too aggressively and missed my exit.

Then I had to park in BFE (a term I had to explain at work in a group chat with 15+ do you explain Bum F@#$ing Egypt in a professional way?) in 5 degree weather because I was late.

Then I had to kick someone out of my desk when I got to work...something I never enjoy doing. And we were in queue for almost an hour which means about 15 seconds between calls. If that long!

Seriously, it was the most ridiculous day...I also ended up having to look fairly homeless because I had to jump out of bed, but on a bra and run out the door.

It's my own fault. I slept in on Sunday morning, so I wasn't tired that night...I stayed up too late.

But that doesn't make it less crappy!

I'm also starting to get sad I'm leaving work. I have a really good time talking to all my co-workers and teaching my trainees how to do my job. It's fun, and I'm good at it.  Of course it will be a nice change of pace to leave and I'm so excited to get to live my dream, but there's a few things that I will definitely miss.

Today we discussed a road not taken that I am seriously considering jaunting down some day soon.  I've been watching the TV show Heartland on Netflix (It's about cowboys in Canada. Totally didn't even know Canada had cowboys and got to feel dumb when people explained the rodeo circuit up there to me) But anyway, I think I really want to try my hand with the horses...My dad is a cowboy. I've been around horses all my life. They don't scare me. I used to ride fairly well, and I bet that I could do it.

My list of things to do before I die just got a little bit longer because "become a cowgirl" just got added...

And if you're looking for an amazing song to listen to..."Merry Go 'Round" by Kacy Musgraves. You will not regret it.

After writing this post, I learned the song, "Merry Go 'Round" given the day I have I look like a ho-bo, but I want to share it with you! It is on my crappy webcam...meaning not so good, but I'm pretty okay with it seems how I learned it barely over an hour ago...So, enjoy!

And now that I've gotten super random and written a blog post about absolutely nothing. Go enter my giveaway! Do it. I know you want to!



  1. I've never heard of BFE either...uh oh

  2. I absolutely love that Merry Go Round song. :)

  3. BFE is how everyone describes my hometown, lol. So glad I stumbled upon your blog. Very cute. Following now!

    Ashton Belle from:

  4. Hey girlie! I tagged you in an award over on my blog. Check it out!

  5. BFE! Lol! At my work if we are late we park in a parking lot across the street. Somehow BFE turned into "Siberia" and it stuck. I love Heartland! Started watching on Netflix and now on youtube. It makes me want to be a cowgirl too! :)


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