
04 January 2013

Every Storm Runs Out Of Rain

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Ever since J and I broke up, I have been avoiding listening to country music radio, or really radio at all. I like to be in control of what I'm listening to so that the music can tug on my heart strings when I don't want it to.

Music has the ability to change your life if you let it. I was afraid that it would hurt me though instead of help me, so I just...avoided it. I didn't play it, or I only listened to new stuff that didn't have memories attached to it. That seemed to work until I realized that I was really missing country music.

So a few weeks ago, I decided to suck it up and listen to it whether it made me sad or not. It's good stuff and I don't like that I allowed him to taint it for me.

Now, it's been a while since I've listened to the radio, so of course there's a million new songs playing one right after the other.

The first song I heard was...this one:

I started to sing along to the chorus after the first time it was sung and I seriously felt like my life had just changed...Music is such a powerful thing.

It may not have been the most amazing poetry or the most moving melody in the world, but it was exactly what I needed right then. And though I feel like a chronically unhappy young lady, this song truly made me feel like I just needed to hang in there. That the storm runs out of rain. The sun will come out and the muddy puddles that I accidentally splash in while walking will stop making my boots all dirty.

That I will smile and mean it some day.

Every storm runs out of rain...


  1. Love country music! Glad things are taking a turn for the better

  2. I love that song! Gary Allan is amazing, as depressing as it sounds he wrote that song for his wife who committed suicide in 2004.

  3. It's amazing how much music can come to us and touch our hearts. I've found that so many times.

  4. I saw him in concert! :)

    I love (and also hate) how music can take you back to an exact moment or time frame in my life. It's weird and awesome (and sometimes awful) all at the same time.


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