
03 January 2013

It's Thursday & It's Ok

Don't forget about the Origami Owl Giveaway I've got going!
Everyone loves free stuff and this jewelry is soo worth it!

Today, I'm linking up with Brunch With Amber and A Complete Waste of Make Up to tell ya'll that I'm dysfunctional and that is totally okay! 
Its Ok Thursdays

It's OK...

...That I'm sleeping in my sister's old room because I'm avoiding a large mess in my own.

...To paint your nails three times a week because you scratch it off every other day.

...To watch Army Wives all day and avoid getting dressed.

...To blow your nose with toilet paper...A whole roll of it. Don't judge me.

...That there are only 25 days until my ship date! (EEEEK!)

...That my nose is as bright red as Rudolph's.

...To listen to the same song on repeat for hours to get pumped up.

...Then to just lay in bed because you're too sick to get your ass up and go to the gym. 

...To blog shamelessly about the fact that you can't/won't get up out of bed...

...that I hung out with my ex-fiance (whaaaa?) 

...That I'm almost certainly going to Boise State or UNLV is I get accepted... (Washington is kind of a pipe dream. I'm pretty sure it's going to be too expensive to go there alone, so I'm trying to think big picture.)

...That I still haven't finished either of those applications...I should probably get on that. And it's okay that I'm completely excited for that even though it's almost a year away...

And most of all, it's okay that I am who I am, I do what I do, and I keep my head held high. I definitely think that that is ok. 

What's okay with you, friends?


  1. really?! UNLV!!! Let me know if you need any tips about the area...born and raised in Vegas! :)

  2. I have to add my own it's okay to your list because it involves you...

    It's okay that I had a dream with you and some other blogger people in it.. and we were in Alaska?!

    Yeah, I hope that's ok.

  3. Application time is exciting! Good luck!

    It's totally ok to hang out in bed all day. I do it...but I also use my bed as a desk. Is that ok?

  4. Ashley! I just died laughing! Too funny. Of course that is okay!

  5. Oh my gosh...I can't keep my nails painted either. They look so good for a day or so but then I end up picking all of the polish off.

  6. I love this post! I totally get the Army Wives thing! Lol. Holy moly, 25 days! Excited for you! :)


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