
02 January 2013

Here's To A New Chapter

I have been really sick and have not felt like blogging. There is my excuse for not posting in four days...Wow, four days is a lot of days without a post! But, I'm here now. Never fear.

Don't forget, there is still time to enter my Origami Owl Giveaway! I high recommend that you do so if you haven't already! It's a wonderful prize that I know anyone would love to win!

I know that I love mine!

So, it's the New Year!

Usually, I would write a post about my year in review, but when I wrote my "year in review" post it made me feel totally depressed. Besides, you can't move on to the happy ending if you keep reading the chapter you have just finished, right?

So here's to the new year and moving onto new chapters!

I brought in the new year by hanging out with some friends, drinking from red solo cups, and singing songs all night long. I had a pretty good NYE.

Unfortunately, I was.. having too much fun to remember to take pictures. I have a couple to share with you...but like I said, I was having "fun"
Yeah...about that...

and I also decided to take my friend's hat and take a couple pictures in that...Not a clue why. I believe I also sent them to a few people. 
Yeah...I don't know why. I was just...having a good old time.

I got new years kisses from 3 boys and a pretend, long-distance kiss form one more.
 Sometimes, when you make too many friends that are far away, this is just how things end up...I'm not sure who taught my friend to do kissy lips..but it looks like he might need a lesson or two. Sorry, Christian haha...

Last night, I went out to dinner with my famiy and I saw Les Mis with my mom. Les Mis was amazing. I definitely recommend you see it if you haven't already. And...I think that's all I've got for you!

Hope you all have a very wonderful first week of 2013!


I looove getting all of your comments and building relationships with other bloggers and all you wonderful people in the world that have something to say about the things that I write. Please, drop me a line and let me know what you think! Your comments make my day!