
04 February 2013

The Life of Ms. A Bish!

Hey Everyone! Right now, I'm getting yelled at by a Drill Sergeant and probably wanting my mommy a little bit...In my absence, I've ask a few bloggy friends to take over my blog!  I will be around from time to time, posting from afar somehow so keep your eye out for updates on how I'm doing in basic! 

Today I've got my girl Ashley from The Life of Ms. A Bish.  She is the first lovely participant in what I'm calling my "While I'm away" Series. Every Monday while I'm gone, I have lovely ladies starring in their very own guest posts on my blog! I hope you enjoy getting to know all of these great people and definitely pay their blogs a visit! You won't regret it!

Ashley and I are so much alike, and we hope to one day be IRL (that's in real life) friends! I hope you enjoy what she's got for you today! 

Hey y’all! I’m Ashley. I’m a cheerful 22 year old trying to find my place in the world. I’m a Virginia born girl but South Carolinian at heart. I was raised saying y’all and drinking sweet tea. I love dogs and crafting. I am a college graduate with trying to figure out what I’m going to do with my two degrees. But I figured out a long time ago that I am in love with a man I call J; a man who is currently serving in the Air Force and found a way to win over my heart. 

What is your favorite thing about being a MilSO?  What is your least favorite thing?

My favorite thing is when I see him for the first time in a week or two weeks or a month. It’s like time stands still and nothing in the world can touch or hurt me. Suddenly I don’t feel so empty inside. Simply holding hands has so much meaning.

Conversely, saying “see you later” is the worst thing that could ever be. Since the first time we had to part we started writing notes before we left and that helps, but nothing can replace him being with me.

Name some of your favorite things to do and why you love them?

I love to craft; crocheting, scrapbooking and cross stitching are my favorites. They are very calming to me. Plus I feel so good when I can give somebody a homemade gift. It means so much more in my eyes.

I enjoy geocaching. It’s where you find objects hidden in plain sight using a GPS. One of my goals for this year was to try to find more adventure in my life. This has surely done it and taken me to some truly beautiful places in the process. If you want to read a better description of geocaching, you can go to to see what it’s all about.

I also love to go wine tasting. I love tasting new flavors of wine and just experiencing new things.

Who do you look up to and why?

My mom is the one person I've always looked up to. She has grace and is kind. She is a hard worker and never runs out of advice, even when I don’t want to hear it. She is an excellent cook and a wonderful wife and mother. I hope that I can be half as good as her someday.

What are you looking forward to in 2013?

I’m excited to see where life will take me. I’m kind of at a cross roads in my life with my future kind of wide open. I hope to find myself a little, experience life and make some great memories in the process.

Want to see more from Ashley?


  1. Loved reading your post, Ashley. You and Katie describe yourselves just as I do in my blog name - "City Girl Finding Her Place in the World." Feel free to stop by and say hey sometime!


  2. I love this post, I especially love your last answer. :)


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