
11 February 2013

What's Cooking?

Hey Everyone! Right now, I'm getting yelled at by a Drill Sergeant and probably wanting my mommy a little bit...In my absence, I've ask a few friends to take over my blog for the "While I'm away" segment I've set up for each Monday morning!  I will be around from time to time, posting from afar somehow so keep your eye out for updates on how I'm doing in basic! 

Today, she is sharing a recipe! Little didshe know, these happen to be one of my favorite desserts! And I am not a dessert person!

Without further ado, I give you, Stephanie!
Hi there, Camo-Colored companions! I'm Steph from over at Stephanews and I'm here to fill in for the fabulous Miss Katie while she's away at Basic Training (seriously, how awesome is she?!).

You ought to know that I am a shameless addict of the Food network. But even though I spend most Saturday mornings on the couch soaking up knowledge from my girl Paula Deen, I am not the next Top Chef (see: chicken flop).  I do enjoy a cooking adventure and as much as I get frustrated, I love pretending I know what I'm doing. So I'm going to share a recipe with you. It's delicious, easy, and close to my heart! 

One snowy afternoon in Minnesota, my then crush (now husband) called me up and asked if I wanted to make "Snowman Turds". He trudged all the way over to my dorm with the ingredients and we made these gooey, chocolatey, messy balls of deliciousness. I've since learned that a more glamorous name for this treat is Oreo Truffles, and have added a few twists. 

This is obviously not my own photo. I would never leave a half-eaten oreo.

 Begin with a package of Oreos (this is one time I will recommend not using double stuff). Eat a couple, and you'll have the perfect amount...but seriously, use about 30. Now you have to crush them. Using a food processor is easy and fast but putting them in a bag and crushing them with a rolling pin or hammer, or your hands is therapeutic and fun. When they're nice and crumbly you need to mix in a block of softened cream cheese. It will look like this. 
If you're feeling zingy (I'm all about zing), this is where you would add about 1 tsp of mint extract.
 Ready to get messy? Good. Forget the spoon and use your hands. Roll this mess into little balls and slap them onto your wax paper-covered baking sheet. Now it's time to dip. You'll need a bag--maybe two, depending on how big your balls are...yep. went there--of white chocolate chips melted nicely. My preferred method is to put them in a heat-safe bowl and put the bowl over a pot of boiling water. 
Now, while being careful not to burn your little fingers, dip and roll your balls in the chocolate (a fork or slotted spoon will work nicely) and set them back on the baking sheet! Now would be the time to decorated them if you're planning on doing that. Since I added the mint extract I used candy canes to top them. You could use any kind of sprinkle, nut, or whatever you'd like! 
Candy cane bits = more crushing. 
Sprinkle your topping on before the chocolate gets hard, then pop them in the refrigerator (or freezer, depending how much time you have) until the chocolate is set. Voila! Delicious candy coating on the outside, rich and gooey oreo goodness on the inside. 
Thanks for reading! Walk-ins are always welcome at my blog, so feel free to stop on by!
xo Steph

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