
11 March 2013

Living In Paradise

How's it going blog world?! Welcome to another installment of "While I'm away". Currently, I'm running around, singing cadences, doing side shuttle hops, and learning how to be a soldier, so in my absence, I've got some lovely ladies taking over my blog each Monday!  

Today, Jane is here to tell you about her world! She is a military spouse that I have been following for a while now. She has been a huge influence on me as far as my blog goes and has been a great bloggy friend! I hope that you all enjoy her blog as much as I do!


I'm Jane from Taingamala! Taingamala is a made up word my husband and I use with each other that means I love you. It's the place we strive to be in our marriage and I blog about our adventures to that place. Love, dating my husband, recipes, decor, crafts, living in Hawaii and more!


Living in Hawaii has been a dream for me. I fell in love with the state at 15 and it never took its hold off me. The laid back attitudes, the island breeze, the sunny days, sand under my toes, crystal blue water. I thought I would share a few of my favorite sites on Oahu.

This was totally my husband's idea to take a kissy beach sunset picture. 

Gorgeous, no? What's even cooler is this is the entrance to a secret hidden beach you can't see from the road.

I could never get tired of a view like that.

My favorite beach on the whole island. Also, happens to be the first beach my husband took me to when I moved here.

World class snorkeling adventures with eels, octopus and dozens of fish.

Now you've seen a little into my world living on a tropical island paradise.

Want to see more from Jane? I'm not surprised! She's the greatest!




  1. We went to the Big Island for our Honeymoon. Pretty sure we'd move there in a heartbeat if presented the opportunity! I'm glad you've enjoyed your time there. I love reading your blog/seeing your photos.

  2. I love your kissy sunset picture, Jane! Hawaii is amazing :)


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