
04 March 2013

The Impact of the Warriors

I'm on the last leg of my journey in Basic Training! I'm so excited to be done with this and be able to call myself a soldier! This stuff is hard, but I'm really having a good time. I'm definitely ready to get home and relax...Sadly, that won't be for quite some time still!

In the mean time, I have my good blog-friend Mrs. K staring in my "While I'm away" series here on the bliggity. I've been reading her blog forever and I'm quite excited to have her on the blog today! I'm so lucky to have all these great people who were willing to take over my blog while I'm off getting ripped and becoming even more awesome than I already am!

I'm kidding...(but not really...) Now I'll stop yapping and let you all ready about Mrs. Ka dn how she found herself plopped into the center of the military world!

Hi, there! I'm Mrs. K and I'm so happy to be taking over this space for the day! As Katie embarks on her new journey with the Army, I thought I'd reflect on my own journey with the U.S. Military. Her story, of course, starts with a lot more bravery than my own. Mine started with a blind date...
I had recently graduated college and was leisurely enjoying my last summer of freedom before I joined the ranks of the working class when my sister told me she wanted me to meet someone. Immediately, I thought, "Why does everyone want to set me up with someone?" I was fine being single. I tentatively agreed and found myself staring into the eyes of a tall and intimidating Army Officer over dinner weeks later.
Years (and a shiny new ring and two beautiful children) later, I can see what an impact this community of warriors has had on me. I learned to be strong and self-sufficient. My husband was gone for weeks and months at a time. I had to feel comfortable making big decisions about our family. I had to take control when most married couples would make decisions together. I also learned that the old saying is true, "Distance makes the heart grow fonder." Out of all the lessons I learned during my husband's service, the most important has been that I'm better with him. To steal lyrics from Jack Johnson, "I'm better when we're together." Life is so much more enjoyable when I've got him by my side and this is one of the main reasons he decided to get out of the military. Now that we have children, he wants to be around even more.
So join us over at and follow us on our next journey- transitioning back into civilian life. I hope to see you there!

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  1. So excited for you to be done soon! We miss you!

  2. We really do miss you! Can't wait to hear all about how your experience was! :)


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