
19 May 2013

A Year Older...

Well, on Tuesday I turned 20 years old!

I am a year older. A year wiser.

A whole lot has changed since my last birthday. I'm in a much different place than I planned, but I'm okay with it.

I didn't spend my birthday out on the town. I didn't spend it with my family or my friends, but I did spend it working. Living my dream, doing my best to be okay with being away from home on my birthday for the first time ever.

I got a package from my Aunts today that I am very excited about! I used that towel after my shower today. It actually dried my body. It's funny how much you appreciate those simple little things when you're without for even a short period of time. I also enjoyed my favorite snacks for the first time in so long. I needed the Cheez-It Duoz and Sunflower seeds. They changed my life. 

I also decided to spoil myself a little bit with a pair of Oakley Sunglasses. I've been wanting a pair for a while but I couldn't talk myself into buying them. Well, I decided that I could buy myself a birthday present and call it good. I am in love with them and I am so glad that I bought them!

Now, besides the material things that my aging has brought me...I am thinking I need to write a list of all of the great things I want to do while I'm in my 20s. It feels like of weird to say that...I'm in my 20s. Man, it's crazy how time flies...

In the past few months, I have learned a whole lot about my life and about  myself. Mostly I have learned to live in the moment. It doesn't do you any good to count down the days until the next thing. Enjoy where you're at and live your life to the fullest. Otherwise, you just spend each day waiting on tomorrow. 

Happy Birthday to me :)


  1. Happy Birthday! I agree, those sunglasses are totally worth it.

  2. Happy belated Birthday! :)

  3. Late happy birthday! Love the shades. :)


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