
20 May 2013

It's Kinda funny...

Alright bliggity blog world...hold onto your keyboards, iPhones, Galaxy S3s, iPads, etc...this is about to get real.

I have been debating back and forth about whether or not to share this little bit of info with the blog world, and I've decided that since almost everything else about this situation was on here, this may as well be too...

I have become friends with J. Real. True. Sincere. Talk as often as we can. F R I E N D S.

I suppose this started right after I got finished with basic. I sent him a message on Facebook (I'm pretty sure I said something to him first, but I can't remember) just briefly summarizing some of the highlights of basic training (sharpshooter, high PFT, got promoted etc.) And then I left it alone. In all honesty, I was a little bit upset because I wrote a letter to his home address that didn't get forwarded to got sent back to me. I was kind of miffed even though he had no part in it, so I wasn't really interested in a conversation...

Well,  day or so later, he responded to my message and shocked me. I didn't expect him to say anything while he was on deployment. Oh yeah, he's deployed BTW...So anyway, as I was saying, We had a good little chat. I figured it would end at that. And it did for a while. But then he started talking to me more often. Then, it was, like, every day, like clockwork, even.  It took me by surprise, but I didn't see it as a bad thing at all, and I still don't.

Honestly, we're really good friends. It probably helps that he's on the the other side of the world living a completely different life than I am, but whatever. What matters, is that I'm...happy. I'm okay with my situation. I'm homesick, but I'm okay.  It doesn't make me sad or especially nostalgic to talk to him. I can about it and not have a problem.

Now that is something else if you ask me...

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