
04 July 2013

Live And Learn

Every day, I learn something new. 

Since I've been active in the Army, I've learned even more. 

I have learned that being away from home really isn't all that hard. Home is where ever you have a place to lay your head. 

Cutting your hair really isn't all that traumatic. It's just hair, and chances are, you're going to like it better. 

Skipping chow is the worst idea ever. At all matter how much you want to sleep in. 

Being able to cook your own food is a true luxury. 

It pays to be organized.  It means you get to sleep a little bit later. 

Working out is always a good idea. 

People don't stay in touch. Even if they say they will...they probably won't.

Sleeping in is overrated. 

Letters make you smile more than anything else. 

You will find support in the strangest places. 

Forgive. But never forget. 

Be resilient. It's worth it. 

Don't take anything personally. 

Allow yourself to be surprised. 

I've decided that it's best to just live and learn...Life is better that way. 


  1. I love that you see the positives! Hugs and hope you had a great 4th.

  2. Wow, I can't imagine the life you're living right now, girl! I love your outlook on it - taking in the positives and dispelling the negatives. :-)

  3. You are so wise. I love how you see things with such positivity. Hope you have a great weekend!


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