
01 July 2013

Warriors In Transition

Being a Soldier is something that once you get the hang of it, it's easy. I've said that a couple of time before. You get used to it and I have really grown to love it.
In fact, I'm going to be really sad to go back to civilian life after I leave here. I've gotten so used to this routine. I have a standard way of doing everything, and my whole world is going to be shaken when I go back to being that "Weekend Warrior". 

Well, it just so happens that Soldiers all over the country are in the same boat. They are so used to the military life style, they have trouble adjusting. They get into the civilian sector of employment and bare know where to begin. Well, you're in luck, because today, I have an awesome guest who has a bit to say on the subject!

Meet Emma!
 Emma is my newest bloggy friend! She is a 20-something with a passion for life, love, fitness, and helping others. She loves to be active and get involved in as many sport and community activities as possible. Emma is currently studying to become a Career & Life Coach, and loves to network with people from around the world! She is the author of the lovely blog Smile As It Happens 

Transitioning from military to civilian life can seem overwhelming. After an intense commitment, constant orders and a regulated lifestyle, you might think that entering the civilian job market will be an impossible adjustment. Let me be the first to reassure you: Finding civilian work will take time, but you can do it. Many services exist to help ease this difficult transition, and you won't be alone. You can follow your passions using the skills and determination you learned in the armed forces, and many employers offer veteran preference. Check out the following myths on military job transitions and the reality behind them.

Myth #1: It's too hard and takes too much time to apply for jobs.
Truth: This is the easiest myth to dispel because it's simply not true. Back in the days before digital applications and electronic job postings, people might have spent hours filling out paperwork and submitting resumes in person. These days, you can do just about everything online. Many major employers like AT&T, Walmart and GM have started to partner with platforms such as JIBE, a mobile recruiting company in an effort to streamline the application process. These services utilize mobile apps on your smartphone or tablet and allow you to submit job-related paperwork on-the-go.

Myth #2: I've been in the military for so long that I won't be able to find adequate employment.
Truth: Many employers actually offer preference to veterans. Why is this? The fact is that military veterans possess a diverse range of skills and expertise that many employers find attractive. You've learned discipline, perseverance, endurance, analytical skills, critical thinking skills and other qualities that put you in a better position than many civilian applicants. You even have access to recruiting firms like Recruit Military that specialize in helping you transition from the military to civilian employment.

Myth #3: I need to take the first job offered because I desperately need a job.
Truth:In reality, employers look for people who will stay with them long-term. If you take a job and hate it, you'll be more likely to leave once something opens up somewhere else. This is mutually disadvantageous, which means you should avoid taking a job just to take a job. Desperation benefits no one, especially you. If you can afford to wait, then you should hold out until you find the right job. You'll be happier, and better experience and be able to commit to the right employer. It's a win-win situation that's worth the wait.

Myth #4: Since I'm used to taking orders, I should just settle for a non-management position.
Truth: You might be used to taking orders, but that skill actually translates into strong leadership ability. As a military veteran, you've learned to work with a variety of people while answering to a chain of command. These skills will help you lead others and further your career. If you're interested in starting a business or getting into a management track, then a variety of resources exist to help you do just this. The U.S. Small Business Administration helps veterans take classes and develop their entrepreneurial skills and programs such as this can be invaluable tools if you’re looking to strike out on your own.

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1 comment:

  1. When Kyle finally decides to retire I'm curious how he will adjust to civilian life but we have 14 years before that happens.


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