
21 September 2013

The Art of Writing

In my English 101 class, we are required to do a presentation on the art of writing.
I really would like to write mine with a blog post or "article" as we are calling it in the class...But here's the thing, I can't find posts on my favorite blogs about the "art of writing."
So I'm asking a favor of all you lovelies out there. In the comments leave me links :)
I'm looking for blogs that talk about writing. I only need one post, but I would love to read a lot of them. I want to be able to make comparisons and have a really good understanding of how people use their blogs artistically.
Of course, any blogs used in this project will be properly cited and I will share the presentation with anyone who would like to see it when it's complete!
Thank you in advance to anyone who can help!

1 comment:

I looove getting all of your comments and building relationships with other bloggers and all you wonderful people in the world that have something to say about the things that I write. Please, drop me a line and let me know what you think! Your comments make my day!