
25 September 2013

Held Together With Tape & Glue

On Sunday I got a phone call from my mother. She explained to me that my grandpa wasn't doing so well. He'd had a stroke and I should be on stand by, ready to leave at a moments notice.
Of course, I couldn't do that. The next day, I packed my bags and showed up at Grandpa's house. I had only told my sister, of course, more people knew by the time I got there...we don't know what secrets are...and I ended up being a bit of a surprise.  I think we all needed a little bit of excitement. It was something that could put a smile on all of the sad faces I saw when I walked in.
The 400 miles I drove to be here with my family was well worth it. I apologize for this minor hiatus I'm taking from the blog.  At times like these, family comes first.  It is so taxing to watch my grandpa live like this. Miserable and needing to let go, but he doesn't...
 I would like to ask everyone to keep us in your prayers. We're held together with tape and glue and I'm hoping deep inside my heart that I can stay strong.  This is going to be an extremely trying time for everyone around here and I could use the good juju. I know I'm not the only one...

It's not easy to lose the people that you love...Grief is a mysterious thing that wrenches each heart in a different way. Here is to hoping and to praying that we can all survive it.

We love you, Grandpa...Hang in there. You're almost home...


  1. Praying for your family. What a sweet picture of you and your grandfather.

  2. Praying for your family during this tough time!!

  3. Thinking of you and your family. Hugs. <3

  4. Praying for you all! I'm so sorry you have to go through this.


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