
29 October 2013

I'm Regretting Getting Out of Bed

Bloody Marys Count as a Salad

I'm not really sure why, but for some reason or another, every morning that I have to work, I wake up at 6:35 and have a heart attack. I'm wearing my bright pink running shoes with my straightleg blue jeans today...I used to be so cute...and now, I'm wearing tennis shoes so that I can literally run to my car on work mornings. 

By the way, did you know that the Toyota Corolla is very popular? Especially the white one. I may or may not have tried to get into the wrong car. Twice.

On the bright side, I made it to work on time, but barely. It was like all of the oversized and overweight vehicles were on the road this morning and they all felt like parking their big ol' butts right in front of me.  When I'm late, although I do not make up time on the road, it really give me anxiety to not be able to dictate my own speed.

Now, I'm finally at work.
It's only 7:35 and I've already heard the word "Alrighty" about 6 times...I hate that word. Why? No idea, just do.  Have I mentioned how bad I want to quit my dang job?
 Apparently today isn't a good day to be alive. - It feels like a Tuesday

I'm just going to tell you that I think you should enter this giveaway and check out my friend Katie from Metal Marvels.

You won't regret it like I'm regretting getting out of bed this morning!

1 comment:

  1. I love say 'alrighty'! Not frequently, it obviously has to be used appropriately. I can't help but flash back to Ace Ventura every time I say it and smile. Good ol' Jim.


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