
28 October 2013

Pin It To Win It

Hello lovelies! Let me introduce you to my lovely friend who has the most awesome name in the whole world. She even spells it correctly!  Her name is Katie.  She owns an awesome business where she sells some all kinds of freaking adorable hand-made jewelry.  In fact, I am going to order a little something for myself.

I am excited for her to be here today because she is doing a giveaway that is not just for bloggers! If you have a Pinterest account, you can enter to win, and trust me, you want to win!
I am so excited to have her here today to tell you all about her business and all the great stuff she has going on!

Don't have a Pinterest account? That is an easy fix. Start here so you can pin it to win it!
Helllooo CCC readers!!!
I hope you are all having a fabulous day
  I am super excited to be here today!

Let me introduce myself!

I am a recent college graduate with a BA in Business Management.
I have a love for business, all things fashion and beautiful.
I love that a simple piece of jewelry can make an outfit.
I also love that finding that one piece that can become your favorite can make your whole wardrobe.
I personally LOOOOOOVE jewelry, I also love jewelry that is affordable.
Let's be honest, NO ONE wants to pay a bunch of money for an accessory.
 I've worked in retail my entire life as well as managed a retail store

 Soooo I thought what better way to put ALL of this together then to come up with this...
  Metal Marvels

I know, I know. You're saying to yourself, "That means nothing to me."
 Well let me tell you all about it, It is an online jewelry store!
  My online jewelry store ♥
Shop // Facebook // Twitter // Instagram // Email // Marketplace Store
 I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE jewelry and I know what it feels like when you have that Ah Ha moment
when that piece you bought fits perfectly with that great outfit you're wearing.
 Here's just a sneak peek of my jewelry for sale!

So that is what I hope to bring to you:
 That perfect piece for the outfit you're planning, an everyday wear, that fun whimsical piece of jewelry, or something that makes a statement or helps a cause.
I want to bring you beautiful jewelry without breaking your bank!
 Some are handmade by others, some are handmade by me but all around GORGEOUS
I truly want to feel like you are shopping in the closet that has ALL the things you want.
I take suggestions on new items and what you want to see in the store.
I also appreciate emails, phone calls and texts!
I am CONSTANTLY available
[unless I am sleeping of course haha]
 I really hope you come visit me and maybe purchase some jewelry to add to your collection!
 Also, if you go to the Marketplace store you can "watch" my store so you know when I have new items! LOOK WHAT I HAVE FOR YOU!!!
 If you go to my site and use code:
 you get 15% off EVERYTHING!

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand a giveaway!!!
Read the rules and pin away in order to win one of our Love Bangles

Here are the rules:
1. Head to and follow the board

Now to get entries:
2. Repin the picture below and tell people about the giveaway & use #metalmarvelslove
 3. Repin ANY picture from our board and use #metalmarvelslove in the comment of the photo (do this as many times as you want for more entries.)

***Shipping to the US only!!  Must #HASHTAG in order for your entry to count!  Pin as many times as you would like!***

(you have until Sunday November 3, 2013 to enter!)

 Thanks for listening to me and taking the time to read.
Good luck on the giveaway!!
  Love to you all!

1 comment:

  1. Ah it's all so cute. I adore the love rings. I really need to make a ponterest account :-/ I'll have to make one when I get back!


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