
21 November 2013

Eating on Paper Plates Doesn't Make the Dishes Go Away

I made it to work today. My job is extremely difficult to do when I'm sick because it involves speaking very clearly. Of course, I have a lot of trouble with that when I can barely breathe.  Luckily though, I'm almost finished here.

Oh, that's right, I didn't tell you.

I QUIT MY JOB! - I can't believe I work this hard to be this poor.

I gave my two weeks notice last week and my last day is the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. I wasn't planning on going home, because I really didn't feel like driving myself another 800 miles only a week after I had drill.  Lucky for me, my friend is going home and is letting me catch a ride. I am so happy. It so happens that Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and I really didn't want to spend it all alone. - I want to take you home for Thanksgiving to meet the people who made me turn out this way.

I have always loved that Thanksgiving is a day that my non-religious and dysfunctional family stands together in my grandparents living room and joins hands in prayer. We bow our heads and humbly give thanks, then we continue on with our lives. We eat a meal prepared by my mom's and my aunt's hands and we chat about meaningless things. 

We forget any fights that we were in previously and we eat dinner while talking over the TVs that are in in the kitchen and the living room.  We always have way too much food and we argue about who gets to do the dishes. Eating on paper plates doesn't make the dishes used to cook and serve go away!

By the time the night is over, everyone is stuffed and we might pull out Catch Phrase or Scategories.  It will be strange this year to not have my grandpa come out of his room and tell us to be quiet or smile at us because he can see how much fun we're having all together.

As we grow up our traditions change. We can't help it. All of our lives start to move in different directions and we just can't have everything we used to. Sometimes it's difficult to deal with, but I suppose that is just part of life.


  1. Katie, this helped me so much. Reading this helped me to not feel so alone knowing my brother won't be with us for Thanksgiving. You're amazing.

  2. I'm glad you get to spend Thanksgiving with your family. And congrats on the life changes!

    BTW I nominated you for the Liebster!


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