
24 November 2013

The Fancy Version of Twinkie Filling

For some reason, I was reluctant to tell everyone here on the blog what I was doing this weekend, but now that the day has come and gone, I feel like I can talk about it.  

On Friday I took a little drive to California so that I could attend the Marine Corps Ball in Disneyland with a friend.  It rained and snowed my entire drive. I kept looking out into the distance hoping that the sky would calm down, but this is what I kept seeing....

It really didn't look promising, but as I was driving into the LA area, I looked out my window and saw the most beautiful sunset. I almost didn't mind the awful traffic. That is how gorgeous it was...It made me wonder if maybe I should make SoCal my new home.

Nah too much traffic....And the lines between the regular lanes and the car pool lane are seriously belligerent.  Do you really need four solid yellow lines and a white line to put the fear of god into people who dare cross it?

  The actual ball was quite the experience.  I had an idea of what the ceremony was like, but it was very cool to actually get to see it. Sort of. The table I was at was a little bit far away from the action, but I still knew what was going on and it was just a neat thing to be able to be a part of.  My date happened to be in the ceremony, so I was able to sit at the table by myself and socialize with the other Marines. Of course, I could talk all day so it wasn't so bad.

I won't lie, a part of the reason I was excited about going to this ball was getting the chance to buy a formal gown...After looking for a couple of days while I was home for Drill, we fell upon this lovely dress in a small dress shop in Sandy, Utah.  This dress isn't something I normally would have chosen, but I love it.  Hopefully I'll find more occasions to wear it.

For reals, guys, I even got my nails done. That doesn't ever happen.

My date was very sweet and looked quite dashing in his Alphas if I do say so myself.  I was sort of a bad blogger and didn't take too many pictures of the ball its self, but I at least took one of us at dinner.  The lighting in the ball room give us this lovely washed out look...So great. 
And check out the iPhone camera quality.......not. Please pardon the boobage or lack thereof, I suppose I should say.

Dinner was actually quite good, although dessert was thoroughly disappointing. My date liked it, but most of us at the table speculated about what it actually was half of the night. We concluded that it was the fanciest Hostess filling from Twinkies. Possibly made with coconut milk? Not so delicious, my friends...

My date wasn't really a fan of the dance floor, but I didn't let that stop me. By the end of the night I made enough friends that I felt I could head out there and dance anyway. Maybe it wasn't the most polite thing in the world, but my date was working the room and I wasn't going to just sit there bored and underage...unallowed to partake of the fruit of the vine.  Besides, it was so much fun and beyond hilarious watching all these druken and overly-confident Marines bust a move on the dance floor. I'm really glad I didn't have to miss out on that.

Overall, I had a pretty awesome weekend. It was truly an awesome experience. I am always up for new adventures and this definitely was one Now I'm back at school and thinking about all of the things I have expertly procrastinated and feeling super stressed out! Yay for

So, Imma jam out to this lovely song on repeat for the rest of the evening and pretend that I'm doing homework. I suppose, in theory I'm working on my writing skills by blogging...but that is just me lying to myself so I feel like I'm actually being productive or some shit. I'm not.


  1. Military formals are always quite the experience. I have been to 6 and every time I experience something new both good and bad. I love your dress! :)

  2. You look beautiful Katie! I'm glad you had fun!

  3. You look beautiful. It sounds like you had a great time!

  4. Your dress is Amazing! I'm glad you had a good time!

  5. What a beautiful sunset! So glad you had a good time at the ball, your dress was amazing! I'm your newest follower and look forward to reading more.
    Miranda Pridgeon

  6. Love your dress, and your blog is awesome new follower :-D


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