I've got some good news for you today. On Wednesday while sitting at my desk at work, I was cranking out a post about how annoying it is not knowing where J is going to be sationed and be completely in the dark as to if we're going to have to have a quickie-wedding in vegas, or a throw together one in his back yard before he flew off to Japan. Well, I guess I spoke to soon. Right before my lunch, I checked my phone and there was a text from J and a missed call. The text said,
"Hey, babe. Whens your break? we needa talk."
Of course, my heart started beating really fast and I'm so certain that he has bad news. Orders to Okinawa(We had our only controversey since we've been together over the "What if I go to Japan?" deal so that was not going to be extremely welcome news) was the first thing that popped into my head. So I'm sitting here at my desk relaying this call (I'm a relay operator for the deaf and hard-of-hearing) just begging the person to hang up the phone so I can call J back before he has to get back to class. I was shaking my leg and tapping my fingers on the desk as this call drags on 4 minutes longer than necessary.
The minute they ended the call I asked for my lunch break and heard back promptly and I flew out of my chair out off the call floor. I dialed the phone so fast it wasn't even funny. To say I was nervous doesn't even come close to describing how I was feeling.
So J answers on the third or fourth ring or so and says, "What's up?" And I roll my eyes thinking, uh...I think you know what's up. Just tell me what we need to talk about!!! But to him I said, "Oh nothin' just walking out for lunch."
Then he throws this one at me. "Guess what?" JUST TELL ME ALREADY.
"Just guess." He loves to play the guessing game. I do too, but not this time!
"You got your orders."
"yes. And guess where I'm going?" I DON'T WANT TO PLAY THE GUESSING GAME!
"Where are you going?"
"Babe! Just guess!"
"No! Tell me where you're going!"
At this point, I was FREAKING out. I just wanted to know so bad. I felt like my whole life was riding on these orders.
He kinda giggles (Yeah, he giggles. I think it's cute.) and says, "I'm staying in 29 Palms."
I almost cheered aloud. But before I could celebrate, I had to ask him if he was happy about it. He said that he couldn't be happier. That he's the closest to home that he can possibly get and he can't wait to get married now because now we can just do it whenever we want.
AH! I'm so happy. I'm already hunting for a place for us to live off-base and I just have a feeling that even though it's gonna be in the desert in the middle of nowhere, at least we'll be together.
So ther you have it. Our future is almost unclouded and I think that I can kind of see just how this is going to work out. We can finally set a date for our wedding soon and I can actually start planning...
Good mood kinda week.
Oo, also, I had an interview yesterday for a promotion and I have another today...Hopefully I get one of them!
Good News
I'm Katie. I'm a 20-something Soldier & student taking each day one step at a time. Living through all the growing pains that come with
becoming that person that I always wanted to be & finding that bright side in all of this Camo-Colored Chaos. You can get to know more about me here.
Follow me on: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.
29 Palms,
good news,
guessing game,
Marine Corps,
1 comment:
So awesome!!!
Excited to watch you start on the long road ahead :)
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