
13 January 2013

Sunday Social [Blogging Edition]

Hey there blog! It's pretty dang cold in Utah today...I'm sitting here at work, sipping my chai and all bundled up in a blanket! I hope you (yes you!) wherever you are, it's a little bit warmer and you aren't combatting with stupid drivers who don't understand snow driving, snow plows that are obviously confused, and cars that have frost on the inside

Sunday Social

 It's been forever since I've done the Sunday Social, so I thought I might give it a shot today! I'm linking up with Neely & Ashley to tell you all about my bloggy!
1. What is the name of your blog? How long have you been blogging? 
My blog is called Camo-Colored Chaos. 
I have been blogging since March 2012! Almost an entire year now!!
2. Why do you blog?  
Blogging has been...amazing for me. It has been therapeutic, enjoyable, a way for me to write and get my words out there. I've been met with enormous support from all of my blog friends and I truly believe that my life has been changed by this blog and I hope that someday, my words have changed someone else's life. 

3. What is the first blog you ever followed? 
I don't remember! I followed a whole bunch of blogs at once when I started getting into blogging. I guess among the first were 
4. What is your favorite post you wrote in 2012? 
This is a very tough question! I had to go through a ton of posts to find ya'll my favorite one. 
I decided on one that isn't the most serious of posts, but I remember having a great time writing it and it really made me reflect on who I am and who I will be in the future. Give it a read:
5. What are your blogging goals for 2013? Keep at it. Grow my blog. Get some more sponsors. 
6. Top 3 favorite blogs to follow?This is also a tough one...There are so many blogs that I enjoy reading, but there's a few that I almost always read:

 Taingamala (Jane has a rocking new design! Loving it!)
I Wore Yoga Pants (Whitney makes me laugh outloud while blogging in my cube at work...)
Mess. Dirty, Hair (Kelly inspires me in so many ways!)
Don't forget to check out my sponsor giveaway I'm running! You could win a free medium silver locket from Tina Graham, an independent designer from Origami Owl! I have a locket that I won through a giveaway and I looove it and I know you will too! Enter to win today!


  1. Love your blog! And thank you for your service!!

    Stopping by from Sunday Social!

    Ramblings of a Suburban Mom

  2. Just stumbled upon your blog. I sure hope I make some fine friends here as well.


  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday! I love the camo!! Look forward to reading more!


  4. Sipping chai my favorite thing to do on a nice cold day! I've cut back though because of caffeine and pregnancy. But, yum! It's crazy how quickly a year can go by. Almost your blogiversary.


I looove getting all of your comments and building relationships with other bloggers and all you wonderful people in the world that have something to say about the things that I write. Please, drop me a line and let me know what you think! Your comments make my day!