
30 September 2013

It's Actually Fall In Utah

 In Las Vegas, they keep telling me that fall is going to start. It's going to start to get chilly and I'm going to be able to tell that the season are changing...Well I'm not so sure that I believe them.
I have been home now for nearly an entire week, and it is definitely fall here.  For the past week, my whole family has been together under one roof and we've needed some quick and easy meals to throw together that feed lots.  Because it's actually in the 40s and 50s here, I decided to make some Chicken Taco Soup.  I also figured I might do something I have yet to do on the blog: Share a recipe. It's never too late to try something new right?
This soup is probably the easiest thing I have ever made. 
To make it you'll need
1 can of pinto beans
1 can kidney beans
1 can black beans
1 can of corn
2 8oz cans tomato sauce
1 can of Rotel or stewed tomatoes
2 limes
1 bunch of cilantro
1 package of taco seasoning
1 rotisserie chicken (pre-cooked by your local grocery store)
It almost seems silly to provide you with cooking directions, because it is truly so easy.  Carve rotisserie chicken and chop up into small pieces. I usually end up making it more like a shredded chicken taco soup. Combine all of the canned ingredients and chicken in a large pot. Add water as needed. If you like a little bit thicker soup, add more tomato sauce, less water. Add taco seasoning, cilantro, and limes to taste.
Of course, if you'd like, you can take a lot of extra time and soak beans over night, grill chicken, substitute with hamburger, throw together all of your own seasonings and such, but this tastes just as good and takes half as much time.
I like to serve this with Spanish rice and tortillas.  I also always top mine off with sour cream, cheese and extra cilantro, because to me, you can never have enough of it! I've made it many times and every time, no matter the size of the pot, every drop is eaten. Give it a shot. You can't go wrong!

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