
01 October 2013

I Think I'm Pretty Alright

On Sunday, I finally went out and got the tattoo that my sister and my cousins have that was created in memory of my grandma. This may seem like an odd time to get it, but I figured I ought to get it while I was thinking about it.
My aunt and I took the design to an artist and he re-drew it and made it look fantastic. I am so in love with it and I am so glad that I got it.  Let me tell you though, it hurt. I was shouting and squirming on the table...It was not a the most pleasant thing in the world. In fact it may have been the most awful pain I've felt besides shattering my elbow into a million tiny pieces.
Well, what do you think?
My grandma loved to sew so my sister drew up a little needle and thread and this is what I ended up with.
You know, it took me a while to decided if I wanted a tattoo or not.  Once I finally did, I instantly felt like it was worth it. Tattoos are something that people will judge you for. They will look at your tattoos and make up their mind about you before you even utter a single word.
Especially in Utah...people see your tattoos and think they know what kind of person you are. But to me, my tattoos mean something to me. I have thought them over and they are personal. It's not just some random ink I splatted on my body.  I could care less what someone thinks of me because of them. The way I see it, it's their loss if they choose not to get to know me because of my physical appearance. I think I'm pretty alright.
I love my tattoos and now they are a part of me.
Do you have tattoos? Are you proud of them?


  1. I absolutely love your tattoo!! :) I have 6 tattoos and they all have special meaning to me. :)

  2. I love your tattoo!

    I might have told you about mine before..I can't remember :p I have one on my foot that has a lot of meaning for me and I am more than proud to talk about it to anyone who asks.

  3. I heard that your foot is a painful spot to get a tattoo. I am too scared of the pain to get one, but it is so nice you got one in memory of your grandmother and that you share it with your sister and cousins. That is so sweet :-)


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