From USMC to US Army?

Oh hey there blog I've been neglecting, want to hear about my day? I'd love to tell you. It was pretty awesome...

Let's review.
October 16, 2011 
I decided to run my bike off a cliff and ended up with this lovely injury. It ended up causing me to get discharged form the Marine Corps Delayed Entry Program and crushed my dreams of becoming a Marine.

Fast forward almost an entire year later...
July 7, 2011
I went to visit J in 29 Palms for the 4th of July. He and I are laying there watching TV and an Army commercial comes on. "Babe, why don't you join the Army...?"

When I got home, I hooked up with the local recruiting station and I slapped this on their desk.

Tuesday, I had a consult for my injury scheduled, but the doctor decided to take a holiday...So Today, I took another early morning trip to the MEPS, peed in a cup (again...) danced around in my underwear (again...) went to the doctor (late because of a broken X-Ray machine), came back to MEPS, slapped my papers on the Doc's desk and cried in front of the entire medical staff when they said, "Welp, you're qualified."
So there I am. Swearing into the US Army
Standing at an impeccable parade-rest. (That's my recruiter on my left)
And being really excited for that day to be over...
 I went out for an icecream with my mommy. 

WI may not have done this whole military thing exactly the way that I planned, (and I'm still a little bit sad that I'm not back in the Marine Corps DEP...) but here I am, enlisted again when I never thought it would be possible again.  Hopefully, this will end up to be the best choice for my life right now and for my future. I am so excited to have a whole new set of adventures and learn how a completely different branch works. I report to my unit next week and I start my road to becoming a Soldier...What the hell right?

I'm Katie. I'm a 20-something Soldier & student taking each day one step at a time. Living through all the growing pains that come with becoming that person that I always wanted to be & finding that bright side in all of this Camo-Colored Chaos. You can get to know more about me here.

Follow me on: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.


Missus Elle said...

Good luck Hun!!!

Anonymous said...

New follower from sunday social link up! My husband was a Marine for 8 years! Good luck with this new endeavor!

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