Shooting In the West Desert

On Saturday, I went shooting in the west desert with my daddy, my sister Meg, and my sister's ex boyfriend D. At first I was a little reluctant to do, but I opted to anyway. And I'm really glad that I did. We had a great time. I shot a .22 and my moms 38.
I shoulda flipped the gun so it was pointing upwards and not downwards, but whatever...still a good picture...I didn't actually shoot that gun, but I should have...Oh well.
I should have done that walk for my old daddy but hey, exercise doesn't hurt... besides Meg (that's my lil' sister) was havinga  low blood sugar. I didn't want to leave her.
Un fortuantely, there weren't any snack in the car and were a little too far to walk to some place to squash the low. So she had to eat ketchup to bring up her blood sugar...Luckily we found one fruit snack in the van so she only had to eat two packets...

Now, don't get me wrong, shooting the 22 is fun enough. It doesn't kick, I'm a fairly okay shot and let's be honest, guns are fun. But shooting this baby was far more enjoyable for me.
I don't know what it was about shooting this thing, but it was a rush...and I want one.
We even got Meg to try it! She's a pretty good shot too.

Overally, not a bad day with my family :)

I'm Katie. I'm a 20-something Soldier & student taking each day one step at a time. Living through all the growing pains that come with becoming that person that I always wanted to be & finding that bright side in all of this Camo-Colored Chaos. You can get to know more about me here.

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____j said...

This post made me a little jealous! I haven't got to shoot in so long.

Unknown said...

I think I love the feeling of having a gun in my hands. I feel drunk with power. Haha that's probably a bad thing.

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