
About Me

Hey there! I'm Katie and welcome to my blog.
This part of my blog is constantly changing due to the fact that I constantly change.  Sometimes it's by choice, and sometimes it isn't, but what I've come to realize, is that the changes tend to be for the better, whether is seems like it at the time or not.

When I started this blog, I was happily engaged to a handsome young man but since then, a few things have changed.  This blog 

I am 20 years old and I work for a company that relay operates for the deaf and hard of hearing called CaptionCall. I love my job and I'm working hard to climb the ladder and grab promotions. I am ambitious and I don't like to stop reaching for bigger and better things. 

I am an American Soldier.  
I can say the Soldier's Creed loud and proud and I am happy to say that I have been through all of the initial training. I am a member of the US Chemical Corps and proud of it. 

I graduated my final training class on July 24th and can now call myself a comminted member of the United States Army.
I have a baby sister and a big sister. I look up to both of them in different ways for different reasons. They inspire me on the daily and will always be my first friends.
I am the proud aunt of the most adorable child on the planet. When I went of to college, I wanted nothing more than to just bring her with me. When she's grows up, she's going to want to be just like Auntie Katie. I'm sure of it.
I've got two amazing parents. They have always encouraged me to follow my heart and do what I feel is right. They have helped me get where I am today and I owe them the world.

Currently, I am living in the amazing city of Las Vegas, Nevada. I attend the University of Nevada and I am quickly falling in love with this place...It's a lot different here that it is at home, but good different.

I am working hard and living a life filled with adventure and non-stop excitement. I suppose that is all that any person can ask for.

Please, get to know me. You might like what I've got to say


  1. What an interesting story! It's amazing how it's as if fate brings us to our soul mates...I want your job! Sounds like a breeze!

  2. Ohhh, answered my own question. I love Utah. It was fun reading about you.


I looove getting all of your comments and building relationships with other bloggers and all you wonderful people in the world that have something to say about the things that I write. Please, drop me a line and let me know what you think! Your comments make my day!